Kamis, 20 November 2014

Tips to Support Self-Management for pre K

  1. Part of Self-Management is Simply Learning Acceptable Behavior

Help your child learn what is expected of him by giving clear directions. For example, instead of saying, “Please clean up your toys,” say, “Please put your toy trucks into the red bin, and your book on the shelf.” By explaining exactly what your child should do, you’re giving him concrete examples of what you expect. “Clean up your toys” can mean different things to you and your child, and if he doesn’t understand yet what that means it can be confusing and lead to frustration for both of you. New York City-based teacherAnne Harlam suggests also telling your child why we do certain things. For example, “Please put your toys in the red bin and your book on the shelf so that you will be able to find them easily and your room will look nice and clean. Thank you for being so helpful!”

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